Some quick facts about me –
- This blog is named after my dog Comet (RIP 1998-2010)
- Hobbies:
- dogs (my own, dog rescue, dog agility)
- reading (all sorts of genres)
- running
- I’m a vegetarian and have been for over 10 years.
- I’ve been to Romania 30+ times, and no, I don’t have any family there.
The photos below are a small selection of my family (Dexter, Indy, and Roxy) and me, plus memorable photos of my adventures with friends from around the world.

Disclaimer: This blog is a collection of my thoughts and opinions. It is intended to be informational and entertaining. I make no claims as to the accuracy of the information presented, but I do not, and will not, intentionally present incorrect data. All reviews are my own opinions, and unless otherwise noted, I have not received compensation (monetary or otherwise) for writing them. However, some of my site links are Amazon Affiliate links, and as an Amazon Associate, I receive compensation from qualifying purchases.
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